
MCGA calls on Congress to pass farm bill before heading home

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a letter delivered today, the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) called on Minnesota members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to help put differences aside and find common ground on a farm bill that can be signed into law before the current bill expires Sept. 30. A PDF of the letter is available here.

Kirby Hettver

Kirby Hettver

In the letter, MCGA President Kirby Hettver detailed the events that have negatively impacted Minnesota farms, including declining farm income and the recent trade tariffs and retaliation. He said a new farm bill would provide certainty to farmers.

“A new farm bill, signed into law before Congress leaves in October, would go a long way to easing economic difficulties across Minnesota and providing certainty to local farmers facing challenging times,” Hettver said.

The MCGA letter also highlighted the importance of the farm bill’s Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development (FMD) Program, which provide vital market development resources. Funding for FMD would be interrupted if a new bill is not completed by September 30. Farmers also need a much stronger safety net under the commodity title, Hettver said.

While members of Congress from both parties have stated there are no issues deemed insurmountable to completing a new farm bill, some have expressed doubt over making the deadline. In the letter to the Minnesota delegation, MCGA questioned why a delay was necessary.

“We are gratified to hear in media reports that Members of Congress from both political parties and chambers of Congress believe there is no issue that is insurmountable in completing a new farm bill,” Hettver said.  “Given this, we believe there is also no good reason for delay.”

MCGA and its partners in Washington will continue to work with legislators and encourage its timely passage.

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