
Registration opens for summer Kluis webinar

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The next quarterly marketing webinar co-hosted by the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) and Kluis Commodity Advisors will be held July 7 from 2-3 p.m.

Register online today for the event, which will cover the June 30th USDA reports.

MCGA partners with Kluis Commodity Advisors on quarterly marketing webinars following the release of major USDA crop reports. The webinars are hosted by the firm’s managing director, longtime commodity advisor and broker Al Kluis. He and his team provide insight into how the reports impact price projections and marketing decisions, and they review and update ending stocks for corn and soybeans and their likely impact on basis in Minnesota.

MCGA provides the Kluis webinars as a free service to members to help them stay abreast of the trends affecting corn farming in Minnesota. To register for the upcoming webinar, click here.

Quarterly Marketing Webinar with Kluis Commodity Advisors

When: 2-3 p.m., Thursday, July 7

Cost: Free

Click here to register.

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