
Cover Crop Seeder on Side-dress Toolbar

Brian Ryberg

We are seeking to remodel and add equipment to our current 36 row side-dress bar for applying 28% nitrogen to our corn crop. We would like to add a cover crop system to this applicator to apply seed mixture in between our corn rows to get established and then flourish as corn canopy dries down in the fall. We are also designing this applicator to be a “strip freshener” for our strip tilled rows in the spring by being able to offset the hitch 11nches to work with our 22 inch rows.

We will build/assemble this in our won shop. We plan to work with Jodi DeJong-Hughes to develop a cover crop system to benefit the rebuilding of our soils. Extensive leaf tissue and soil testing would be sued to monitor the success of our project and to quantify the monetary benefit the cover crops provide.