
MAWRC (Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center)

MAWRC/Warren Formo

The MAWRC is a research and education organization dedicated to increasing awareness of water-related issues within the agricultural community and enhancing communication and research efforts to help farmers address water-related issues. The MAWRC also conducts targeted outreach activities to inform non-farmers of the significant and extensive conservation efforts of Minnesota corn farmers, building positive perceptions toward corn farmers. The MAWRC provides a systematic response process allowing the Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council to be represented and engaged on these issues as part of a broader agricultural coalition.

The MAWRC provides water-related programming specific through approximately 50 regional events. Specific to the Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council, MAWRC provides presentations at 10-15 local and regional farmer events annually. The MAWRC is also a partner in the delivery and administration of several nutrient management education programs, with Minnesota corn farmers as a primary audience.